Tahatai Coast School
Papamoa / June 2020
The Tahatai Coast School project was the remediation of the school administration block which had weathertightness issues which resulted in the block being deemed unsafe for use because of toxic mould. The project itself consisted on two stages. Stage one required the building to be tented and cleaned under full containment controls including negative pressure and full hazard control suits. Once clearance testing was complete and building was safe, stage two could commence. Stage two consisted of the removal of the roof, roof structure, external cladding and internal walls and linings. The roof was re-pitched and a full re-clad and fitout was undertaken.
Project Details
Completed 2021
School Weathertightness, Seismic Strengthening & Refurbishment
C3 Staff Involved

Michael Bowman
Project Manager (Tauranga)

Michael Barker
Estimator (Tauranga)

John McKeown