Pacific Coast Village Aged Care Facility

Tauranga / July 2021

C3 was engaged in a ECI capacity to deliver this stunning 4,000m2 palliative care facility in the Pacific Coast Village in Papamoa. It was the last of three buildings forming the core of the support and care facilities in this village. The design was lead by the well known architects Summich Chaplin and continued their theme of high end elegant design. Even though it is essentially a hospital the corridors and communal lounge areas are made up of high quality finishes with intricate ceilings, panel lined walls and large stone fire places. As well as the 36 care suites and 4 lounges the building also contained a commercial laundry and kitchen. The project was delivered on time and to budget, even including the Whatu Ora certification required for it to operate as a health provider.

Project Details


Completed 2023


65 Palliative care units

C3 Staff Involved


Michael Bowman

Project Manager (Tauranga)

Michael Barker